
Miss me?

I know the (three) readers out there have missed me terribly! I have been in France for the past two weeks and had very limited time on the internet and was unable to post. Because it is 8am and I have a 13 hour work day ahead of me...I'm going to post all my full details of the trip later. :) Just know I had a fantastic time and took over 1200 photos. No, I'm not over exaggerating. I took that many! Gotta love digital! I shall leave you on this note....


I blame the bloody heat

I have to apologize to my (two) readers. I know I have been distant in the blogging world. Well, I'm just going to blame it on the heat. Yes, the heat. Two weeks ago, my AC wasn't really working properly. It gets fixed. Not even a week passes by and I notice that I'm exceptionally warm in my apartment again. It gets looked at again. I let the weekend pass. I laid in bed motionless trying not to over exert myself. This was the only way to keep myself cool. Monday rolls around, it's a sauna in my apartment. This is no exaggeration. A SAUNA. It needs to be fixed. Someone needs to be called. How long is this going to take because tomorrow it's going to be over 110 degrees. That's right. Over 110 degrees. So is someone going to come fix it? You're getting a new unit. OH GREAT! When? The end of this week, beginning of next week. Great, when I'm not in town and the 110+ degree weather has passed. Last night, I spent the night at Sparky's because she has a cat. Cable. And air conditioning. (Notice my priorities here) I was at home for under 2 hours today. Now, let me get personal with you for a second. I'm not a person who perspires a lot. I glisten. Yep, I just said glisten. I also prance, not run. But I digress... Today I was PERSPIRING. Beads of sweat were pouring down my arms, chest, back, face, legs. EVERY inch of my body was wet. And not by choice. Oh, I know, I'll take a cold shower. Yes, I thought this would be the solution. It's wrong, just wrong when you get into the shower and put your own body into shock because you have the water set to an ass freezing temperature. It's also wrong that the tiles in your shower are warmer than the water running over your body. When you put your shampoo in your hand and you think, damn that's really hot.

So enough of my rants and raves. I'm just going to blame this week's bitchiness on the bloody heat. Just give us that thunderstorm already....