
First night out

I have taken a ton of photos of Ginou. I can't stop. It's an addiction. These are some of the highlights. I can't tell if she's growing though I am sure she is. I take her to work with me every day and she sleeps in the oddest of places. She cracks me up. Last night was the first night that I allowed her out of the bathroom to sleep with the rest of us. I was a trampoline for the first few hours. Then she climbed onto my back and fell asleep. I, of course, started laughing. She didn't move. I love this girl! Then I found her in Steve's bed. Passed out. As happy as a clam. At least someone will get some use out of that bed! I'm sure there will be a ton more to come. Hope you like Cats!!


Splish splash

I don't know about you...but I think in the shower. That's really where I get my hardcore thinking done. Every morning its where my to do lists are made, my thoughts about the day to come or the day before are analyzed. It's where my mind starts churning. You would think that after almost 28 years, my mom would know not to talk to me in the morning until I've had my shower. This should be the first thing I should say to a date on our first date. "Don't talk to me, unless I've had my shower." That is the golden rule in my house. Now if only there were a way that I could write my thoughts down while I'm in there...


A little addition

The best thing happened to me today. I rescued a kitten. I am on cloud nine. Steve is getting used to her. Slowly but surely. He's hissed at her a couple times. But I think he will eventually warm up to her. Here are some photos of my new one. Ginou.


Spike Update

So yesterday was supposed to be the glorious day. The day I was to get my stitches out. Well, there are still some there. Spike is hanging on. Because of the blood that had dried from the procedure, it was slowing down the healing process and preventing it from healing. So the nurse and my DR cleaned me up (which burned like HELL) and clipped a few out, put some high tech sterile strips on me and sent me on my way. My back has a big red square of irritated skin from the bandaids I was using and I am waiting for that to heal as well. So on Thursday the 19th, I go back in to (hopefully) say my final goodbyes to Spike.



I have named my stitches. Spike. Spike is his name. So if you want to see a photo of Spike when he was about 4 days old shoot me an email and I will show you. I am saving the eyes and stomachs for the rest of cyberland as I almost passed out the first time I saw him. He is kinda growing on me though. But he will leave me on Thursday morning. Oh Spike how I will miss thee.

Dream a little dream

I had a dream last night that I was still in college, it was our first day of class and I was running. (I don't run!) I was clearly late for something. And the next thing I see is me searching the dorms for my room. I finally found it and my roommate was telling me to hurry up cause we were going to be late but I insisted on showering first. So she picked out my outfit and I jumped in the shower, stitches and all. But my stitches didn't have a waterproof bandaid on them. And I was just jumping in to wash off so I didn't think it was going to be a problem. I got out of my sonic speed shower and went to put a fresh bandaid on my stitches. They had gotten wet. The wound was all black. I couldn't see the stitches any more. It was like a black blob sitting on my shoulder. Like a disease. That's the last thing I remember....now go and analyze that bad boy!


Lucky number SEVEN

Yes my cyber-friends, I know I have been distant. My sincere apologies. Though I do have a good excuse. I PROMISE! You might remember my previous post about my dermatologist appointment and my results coming back abnormal. Well, even though my DR said that I wouldn't have to get stitches, I went in on Thursday to find out that I WAS going to get stitches. Seven to be exact. So the past few nights I have been coming straight home, taking pain meds and crashing. No time for blogging then. I have the stitches until the 12th of July and then I go back in to have them removed. I hope this doesn't hurt. I've been told it kinda tickles. I do have to admit that I never want to feel what I felt the day I got them. She gave me about 5 injections (I don't know if I got more than that as the numbness already started to kick in after 5) and the stitching part took the longest and I could feel my skin pulling when she was stitching me up. A feeling I can't put into words and I don't want to ever feel that again. But there is a chance I might. *Sigh* So lets all cross our fingers out there in cyber-land that my results come back negative.

More updates on my wound later. I think I should name him. Don't you? Any suggestions? And I am tempted to take a photo....