
A confession

I never thought I would say this...but I am totally picky about my toilet paper. Oohh, that feels good. To get that off my chest. In my house growing up, all I really remember is having Charmin in the house. So, when I got my own place, Charmin it was. Living in New York City is quite expensive and there was this one time I got Scott because the fundage was low. Oh dear lord. That was like using construction paper. Sorry Scott brand, but your toilet paper sucks ass. So I went back to the beautiful Charmin. My friend who owns the pet boutique asked me to pick up some TP for the store. I went across the street to Duane Reade and they were restocking and all they had was Scott. I, of course, left the store without toilet paper. I refused to bring Scott back to my friend. Lo and behold, thats the brand of toilet paper my friend grew up on and is just dandy with it. She didn't understand my issues with Scott. She laughed at me. The other night I went to the 24 hour CVS by my house and went to the toilet paper aisle. The only brand that was left on the shelf was Cottonelle. I had never tried Cottenelle and I figured it's probably better than Scott so I gave it a try. It wasn't until I got home when I realized that it was only 1-ply. I think that is the secret. I have to have 2-ply toilet paper. This Cottonelle stuff does not do the job. AND I STILL HAVE FOUR ROLLS LEFT! I like knowing that I have one secure thing in my life. My love for Charmin. I can't wait to get through these four rolls of Cottonelle and back to my Charmin.