
My day off

Yesterday, I went to Adamstown, PA to go Antiquing. That's right. I went Antiquing. In Pennsylvania. My friend Gail has recently opened a new pet store called Three Tiny Terriers. All of her displays are antiques. She is a true antique-er. Since I had the day off yesterday, she asked if I would like to join her. I, of course, said YES! So off we went to Adamstown, PA. Me being the geek I am, took photos with my cellphone. Some stores were hard because employees would follow you around and I felt weird trying to take photos. But I took them anyways. Here are the highlights of my first antiquing experience.

I had to take a photo of this for my blog...It seemed so appropriate!

And where would Skipper be without Barbie?

And who didn't have a Cabbage Patch growing up? Now I am jealous that I didn't have this lamp!

Growing up, my favorite toy was my toy cash register. I CONSTANTLY played with it. Don't ask. So I had to take this photo. My mom will appreciate it.

Now. I told my friend that if I were to ever become a collector, I would collect cameras. Here's only one of the beauties I saw.

I just couldn't get over this retro-TV. So, since I don't have money to buy everything I like, I took a photo instead.

I almost didn't take a picture of this. But I was so overwhelmed by seeing it I thought I had to share it.

I had to look twice at this. Then read it's tag. It's a double-seater for an outhouse. BRILLIANT.

This was the very first item I saw that said YOU MUST TAKE MY PHOTO. I was so intrigued by this product. It was then followed by the viewing of the outhouse seats. This store was amazing!

Remember how I said that if I were an antique-er, that I would collect cameras? Well, I found this beauty. And was mesmerized. She is now mine. :) Along with another one from 1910.

I am officially now....an antique-er!


Big Red Couch

Here is a photo of my couch that I took the day it arrived. As you can see, Steve is inspecting his new home. :)


I love New York

Walking to the bus tonight I am just feet away from the stop when a man, who I am sure was drunk, opens his arms as if asking for hug and says.... "Come 'ere you!"


Exhausted (and a little Lazy)

I want to apologize for not blogging in awhile. It has been a busy time. My mom was in town, we shopped for my new apartment, did things around the apartment, I was at work, Easter happened and the show I am working on Opened on Broadway last night. I am exhausted. Now my schedule is hopefully going to lighten up and I can get back into my normal routine. I still haven't completely moved out of my old apartment. On Monday, I am hoping to get a lot of that done with Sparky and her car. :D Gotta love the car. I did get my new RED couch though. That's right, I said RED. It's wonderful. We (Steve and I) took a nap on it today. It was delicious.

The sad part is that I had to send my Mac back to get fixed. And so I have been working on my slow ass PC. So hopefully that will come back to me soon. I miss her. I want her back and I want to be wireless. Oh how this PC and ethernet cable is painful.

Ok, I should go as I have to get ready for work and go run errands before the show tonight. More to come.


Good News

So I have started my move into my new place. WOOHOO. And I am completely exhausted. More details on the new place to come. But I did want to share my good news. Steve is fine. His blood tests came back normal and his is healthy. YAY STEVE!