

I find myself drawn to blogs that are very open and honest in nature. Blogs that are detailed to ones life and their opinions. Why? Why am I attracted to these? Is it because I feel I have a limitation when I write my own? That for some reason I feel like I can't let go, that I can't get too personal on the internet yet I am an open book when confronted in person. What blocks me from this? Why do I have these walls? What do the mass readers want? Are they like me? Do they want the personal details of the bloggers life? I am not known for withholding my opinion. So why do I feel the need to do so in cyber-land? Is this a way for people to feel connected? There is always a slight morbid satisfaction when you get to read someone's diary, their personal thoughts. Is this why blogging is such a "huge hit"?

As a reader, what do you look for in a blog? What makes you return day after day? What do you want to read about? What is that you like/love about your favorite blog?


Fancy a glass?

Perrier Jouet. I had a glass of this champagne at a Christmas party back in December. I have never tasted anything like it. I, of course, can't stop thinking about it. It was really that damn good. I really didn't know how much this champagne costs so when I was with my mom in California in January, I told her about such champagne. We found a bottle for 100 dollars. Now this was at Costco. The bargain for your buck joint. This shit is expensive!

I recently turned 27 and have started my countdown (I know I know, countdowns again?) until my 30th birthday. I have just decided what my gift to myself will be on my 30th birthday. A bottle of Perrier Jouet Champagne. I figured, if I start saving money NOW, I'll be able to afford a bottle by the time I turn 30.


*Sigh* So cute

Tonight on the way home I saw the most adorable thing. I got on the First Avenue bus at 64th street and a woman and a little boy got onto the bus shortly after. The little boy was turned around in his seat looking out the window. I looked over and the woman's hat was lifted so her ear was exposed and the next thing I see is the little boy playing with her ear. Like it was his security blanket. The woman didn't flinch once. So I'm sure this is nothing new to her. He was exceptionally fascinated with her earring and her earlobe. But it was so precious to see. This was how he connected with her. Her phone rang. She answered and the phone went to the right ear. His ear. Seconds later she switched the phone to her left ear and he continued to hold on. I could tell at times he would get sleepy and try to lay his head down, still holding onto her ear. But he would get bored quickly and go back to watching the activity outside. 30 blocks later, we get off at the same stop. She still on the phone, the boy knows his bus stop, he pops up. He suddenly remembers her ear. Leaps back up onto the seat and pulls her cap back over her ear to make sure it stays warm. In that very moment my heart melted...

631 Days...

As I have previously stated, I'm not that political. Though I am getting more and more political in my old age. (HA!) I was just watching New York One, the local 24/7 news station for all 5 boroughs in the area. Rudy Giuliani announced last night that he, for sure, is running for President. Obama, Giuliani, and Clinton. This is going to be the most exciting and exhilarating election period EVER. Oh I am so thrilled. Molly would be proud of me. I am not only excited for the campaign period but I have a countdown. 631 days and 14 hours till the next election. Who would have ever thought that I would ever look forward to a Presidential Campaign?!

What is it with me and countdowns?


Watching the sun rise as we speak...

I got back on Tuesday from a week long trip to Vienna, Austria. I have never suffered so bad on any return. This jet-lag is KILLING ME. Since Tuesday, I have been asleep SUPER early (we're talkin' like 8pm) to then wake up around 3am and then I get to watch the sun rise. This is not good for someone who loves watching infomercials. This is prime time real estate for infomercials. BAD. Skipper...can't...stop...watching...info...mercials. AHHHH. I just saw one for time life's music collection....MALT SHOP. Why is it so damn expensive?! 5 easy payments of $29.99? Are you kidding me?! Those aren't EASY! Those are Riiiiiiiiii-diculous. Thank god I have no money and will power to not purchase this set. It's easy when I watch an infomercial about vacuums or blenders or cleaning products (I refuse to watch any of the weight loss programs. Plus they're just not as fun at 4am). But a music infomercial....oh hello! You have my heart right there. Damn time life and their expensive cd set (that I really want!).