

Tandi Dupree

A friend of mine introduced me to Ms Tandi Dupree. An extraordinary drag queen. Watch this girl's entrance. AAA-MAZING!



Spring Awakening

I really can't get over this show. I'm totally obsessing. I can't stop listening to this song on my ipod. It's on REPEAT. So...if you haven't seen the show yet, GO! And take me!


Happiness is...

The highlight of my day today was getting my new refrigerator! Since I moved into my new apartment, it felt like I had another roommate. My fridge. It talked constantly. Drove me insane in the beginning but I soon got used to it. (Scary.) For the last month or so, it was chatting for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time, about every 20 minutes. No joke. It was VERY chatty. And LOUD. But again, I got used to it. Today was so exciting. I was woken up at 8.30am (HEY! that's hella early for me. ....yes I just said hella) by the fridge people telling me that they were bringing me my fridge today because of the holiday. For those of you who don't live in New York or who aren't familiar with the Jewish religion, then you may not know that this weekend is Yom Kippur. In New York, everyone (and I mean everyone) knows when the Jewish holidays come around. (Last week was Rosh Hashanah, their New Year). It's all very exciting really. You learn a lot in this city. Ok, so that was a total tangent. Anyhoo, because of the holiday, they wanted me to have my fridge today. AMEN! I agree with that. BRING IT ON! So, as you can see above, I now have a pretty new fridge which Ginou has already tried to crawl into. Oh how exciting it is to have ice again. Cold water! Ice cream! Milk! Cold fruit! A working fridge is now on my list of simple pleasures in life.


Spring Awakening

On Tuesday night I got to see SPRING AWAKENING. Words can't describe how fantastic this show is. You'll just need to see for yourself. It truly is an experience and is an amazing piece. So buy your tickets NOW!

To top it all off ....my future husband was sitting 4 rows in front of me.



Pale Blue Dot

Watch this. You will be glad you did.



The only magazine that I subscribe to is TIME. My favorite part of the magazine is the section called NUMBERS. This week's numbers blew my mind....

Number of guns in the U.S. for every 100 citizens, according to the 2007 Small Arms Survey, making it the most heavily armed country in the world. India has the second largest civilian gun-arsenal tally, with just 4 guns per 100 people.

4.5 Million
Number of new guns purchased in the U.S. each year, more than half of the 8 million produced worldwide.