
Oh that smells really good!

I am hooked. On a hand creme. Laura Mercier's Mint Leaf Hand Creme. It feels amazing, smells amazing but is 15 dollars for 2 oz of creme. I can't bring myself to pay 15 dollars for hand creme but I can't stop thinking about it and is probably the best creme I have found in a VERY long time. When the winter hits here in NYC, I am a lotion fiend. My skin gets super dry and I am constantly dousing myself in lotion. Now, the beauty of Laura's creme is that you don't have to use a lot for it to go a long way. So I could probably make it last. But 15 dollars?! For hand creme?! I am so shocked about this price...but I might just cave. Cause I can't stop thinking about it. And I can still smell it on my hands... As Mom says "You always get what you pay for."


Global warming?

Yesterday and Today, New York City has been on a WIND ADVISORY. "Winds are up to 40 to 50 MPH". I'm sorry...but that's not an advisory. That's a bloody WARNING. Winds at 50 MPH is a WARNING! I live by the East River and I can't even begin to describe how the winds are by my house. Yesterday I was waiting for the bus and I literally was almost blown over. I had to walk against the wind, which was a task itself, and could barely keep myself upright. And to top it all off, it was raining. Rain and 50 MPH winds is not a pretty combo. Something tells me that Mr. Al Gore is not too far off with this global warming. Our winds and rain are signs of a hurricane. In New York City? Yes. Thank you, George W.


Coming soon to a theatre near you

I think it's funny that I have such a fear of clowns yet I have an obsession with horror/thriller/suspense films. I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am that SAW 3 is out in theatres today. I saw the first movie and was blown away. It was such a creative movie to me. And I was captivated from the moment it started. (which is highly unusual for me) So I won't get to see Saw 3 today but will hopefully get to see it in the theatres. I am so into this trilogy that I can't even describe it. They are beyond gruesome but I still leap to my feet when I hear they're coming out with another one. So if you like horror and you haven't seen SAW and SAW 2....RENT THEM. Then run, don't walk to the theatres to see SAW 3! And if you're in the neighborhood and need a date to see the 3rd one...I'm all yours!




If I were a man who was going through his midlife crisis...I would by this car...



They say you should live your life to the fullest. That you should always try new things. Open up and experience all that is around you. Well, tonight I did. Since it was my day off, I decided to have a little fun. I took Molly's advice and I tried a new sandwich. To give you some background...Molly and I have been friends since for about 7, going on 8 years now. She is one of my friends that I talk to the most. We talk through our blogs, on AIM, the phone, AND AND AND she is even my pen pal. I would say out of the 8 years we've been friends, about 50% of our talks are about food. Mainly peanut butter. Molly is the only other person that I know in this world that is equally obsessed with peanut butter and if given the chance, would eat it for the rest of her life on a daily basis. As would I. THAT is the reason why we're friends. Back to my story...tonight Molly and I were talking online (ohhh what a shock) and we were talking about food. (another shocker) And because it is my day off, I was going to eat something fun. THEN Molly said have a peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich. A WHAT?! A peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich. That is sure what I had for dinner. I tried something new and I loved it. Molls and I have a debate about who puts more peanut butter onto ones sandwich but it's pretty clear that I would probably be the one to put more chocolate chips on mine. This is another reason why I love Molly. She brings new things into my life. Such simple joys that make my world a better place. So I pass this joy onto all of you (4) readers out there. If you like peanut butter and you like chocolate, you'll LOVE this sandwich! Go ahead, take the risk. Try something new. Experience life. Give your taste buds a whirl. :) Have a MISS MOLLY!

2 slices of bread
1 jar of peanut butter (works best with creamy)
1 bag of chocolate chips

Place the 2 slices of bread side by side. Take the knife and put a generous amount of peanut butter onto one slice of bread. When the first slice is completely covered in peanut butter, repeat for slice 2. Both slices of bread must be smothered in peanut butter. Next, take a hand full of chocolate chips to only one slice of bread and sprinkle freely. When you feel you have enough chips, take slice number 2 and place on top of slice number 1. You now have a completed MISS MOLLY SANDWICH. Eat, and enjoy!


What is a tampon?

A mom of a 10 year old: "Did you hear what he said"

Me: "No, what?"

The 10 year old: "What is a tampon?"


The 10 year old: "It says it right there!" (Pointing to a feminine product dispenser in the restroom)

Me: "Well...."

The mom to the 10 year old: "It's something for women, you don't have to worry about it."

The 10 year old: "Ohhhh.....okay."


Seventeen. The new magic number.

This is Matthew. And this picture was taken the day before he left ME to go study in Austria. Now don't get me wrong, I'm super supportive of his conducting career but how DARE he leave ME to go all the way across the pond and to Austria. HA! I'm just kidding. (Ok, only a little). :) He's been there for a few weeks now and the beauty of it all is that I talk to him more now than I did when he was just minutes away from me. :) We talk almost every day and I get to hear all the fun little stories of Vienna, Austria. Like how he got a care package from his mom that had some clothes, candy, The Golden Girls DVDs....you know all the essentials. But the best part of it all....she also sent him 17 rolls of toilet paper. SEVENTEEN rolls. I have never in my life gotten a care package that has every contained toilet paper let alone 17 rolls of it. Matthew claims that the toilet paper in Vienna is super rough and so because he "is a princess" (his words not mine) he got his mom to send him TP. He then proceeds to tell me that he got 17 rolls because that's what she could fit. She would have sent more!?! So I think I need to put a care package together. One little item in the center and then have it protected by 17 rolls of toilet paper. BRILLIANT.


Rain rain DON'T go away...

A friend of mine wrote a blog about simple pleasures. She wrote a few of her own and asked her readers what their simple pleasures were. I got really upset when I read this blog because I couldn't think of any. I thought it would be a easy thing to do. To say, oh yeah, here are my simple pleasures. I thought and I thought about this and the only thing I could come up with was ladybugs. Now, I never really knew that this was a simple pleasure of mine. But they just kept appearing in my head. Ladybugs. Ladybugs. Ladybugs. So I decided to go with it. A simple pleasure of mine is a ladybug. :)

When I was in France, I was shocked. I saw ladybugs EVERYWHERE. They were on everything. My great aunts had them on things in their homes, I saw them in shops. I couldn't get away from them. So I got one. I have a little ladybug magnet that I got in Paris while Mom and I were out and about. Her name is Twiggy. (The ladybug, not my mom! HA!) I carry Twiggy with me everywhere. She's my good luck charm. Where ever I go, Twiggy goes. This morning I got something that made me so very happy....

Another simple pleasure of mine....rain. I can't wait to wear my LADYBUG rain boots in the RAIN! :)