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Have you ever been in love?

I have.


Oh mon dieu!


Yes my dear reader. (Read singular) I am alive. Alive and well. My sincere apologies that I haven't written in some time. I have had writer's block, doctor's appointments, a trip to France...ya know, the usual.

I am trying to come out of my writer's block shell and am trying to come up with things to Blog about. So here I am tonight, sitting on my couch watching House while my beautiful kitten stares at me desperately wanting me to pet her. Because dear lord, I have been gone for 10 hours and she is starving...for attention!

In the last few months, I have watched a lot of TV and read some really great books and my apartment has been the local hotel for visiting family and friends. I am finally home free and thought, "I should write a blog".

But let's talk about these books... I don't know how no one told me about the Twilight Series until after the release of book 4. What?! Why didn't I know about book 1!? Well, dear reader. I hope you've known about these books and have read them. (I am currently on book 3). If you have been deprived of this information and this great series....then go...NOW...to the bookstore or the library and start reading. We'll discuss when you're done. Now, let's talk about the other book I'm reading. Bright Lights, Big Ass by Jen Lancaster. Let's just skip my review of this book. I ORDER you, yes ORDER, to go buy this book. It's brilliant.

I just found a sweatshirt in a catalog that says "I 'heart' spreadsheets" Love it.

And yes, I'm still on weight watchers. Down 13 point something pounds. I'm making a dent. Slowly but surely.

Is it Christmas yet?