
Merry Christmas

This is my first Christmas without my family. Because I work in the Theatre, I have shows. Yes, the show must go on but I was hoping to spend Christmas with my family. Especially my Mom. I knew this would eventually happen but I was dreading the year that I would have to say "I can't be there at Christmas because I'm working."

The good thing is, I'm spending Christmas in Ohio with my "sister" (not blood related) and her family in Ohio. I am so very excited to spend it with her! I leave tomorrow at the shows and book it to the airport. Please send me good vibes that I make my flight! It will be a quick trip, but very fulfilling.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Be safe, happy, and healthy! Enjoy every moment you share with your family and friends.



Music is my drug of choice.

I can't go a day without listening to music. It's on a good majority of the time I am awake. I would say most of the memories I have as a child involved a great deal of music. I remember being left alone for hours and hours in my room, playing all my cassette tapes, records, and then CDs over and over again. I knew every word to ever album I owned. I still do. I own hundreds of CDs. It's an addiction really. I just can't stop buying music. I love finding new artists. I don't even want to begin to think how much money I've spent on music alone in my lifetime. It really is a drug. People don't believe me when I say that I have a bagillion cds. Then they see the collection. And now that iTunes exists...fah-getta-bout it!

I really cannot function without music. It's my life. I live it, eat it, breathe it. I'm obsessed. When I buy music, there is not one single grain of guilt that passes through me. I need that fix. I need to have it. No guilt. So I caved yesterday. I bought the new John Mayer album. Continuum. I am really enjoying it. It's very chill. Very John Mayer. I have satisfied my urge for this week. I wonder what album is going to be next. And of course, I'll take any and all music suggestions! So bring 'em on!


A picture is worth 1000 words...

I have been some what thrilled that we are in the Christmas season. Back in California, I spent the holidays enjoying the lights on my neighbors houses. Watched my dad put up our small strand around the roof of our house. And I would go to Candy Cane Lane and walk down the block to look at the beautiful decorations.

Last Tuesday I went to Brooklyn with Sparky so she could show me her Christmas experience. I thought I would have this brilliant blog all written out to describe what I saw on those houses. But my words can't do justice. Luckily photos are worth 1000 words....


Movies all I can think about are Movies

Now I'm not your traditional woman. I do enjoy the occasional romantic comedy or drama but really gets me going is a good action flick. I go to the movies a lot. No really, I go A LOT. And I'm all about Netflix so let's just say, I love movies. But no movie does it to me like an action flick. And today I saw probably one of the best action flicks EVER. Casino Royale. Fantastic movie. I was blown away in the first 15 minutes of the film. There is this insane chase, on foot. It was breathtaking. I will own this movie. I will. Don't argue with me. Casino Royale has made it's way onto my favorite movie list in the action flick genre. I could seriously watch this movie over and over again. If you haven't seen this movie yet, RUN DON'T WALK. It really is a beautiful film.

Some of my other favorite action flicks....all the Die Hard movies (and can we please talk about how they're filming movie FOUR as we speak!?!), The Italian Job, The Bourne Identity series (phenomenal car chasing scene), and I hate to admit this one...but Mission Impossible 3. It really is the best one of those. And that's only because of JJ Abrahms and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. You can't go wrong there.

OH, and I saw the trailer for Spiderman 3. I'm so there on May 4th, 2007. With the rest of the world. And on July 13th, 2007 you better believe that I have a date with Harry Potter.