
Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Mama! I hope you have a wonderful day today. I love you with all my heart and am so thankful that you are my mama. I can't say thank you enough for all you've given me. Your love, endless support, wise words, and guidance have made me the woman I am today. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman and if I'm anything like you, then I know I'll be okay. :)

I love you with all my heart. Avec tout mon coeur.

Hope you liked all the kids singing Happy Birthday! They were so excited to sing for you!

Bon Anniversaire Mama. Je t'aime beaucoup.

Your daughter


He's like wine

Monday night I saw The Departed. I was very excited about this movie. All I have to say is BRILLIANT. This movie was of the utmost brilliance. The writing, the direction, the acting. Let's just talk about Leonardo DiCaprio for a moment. I like him, I always have. But this man has gotten so .....amazing (not to mention, is absolutely STUNNING). I'm still processing the movie and it's genius. Please, RUN don't walk to see this movie. You won't be let down! Leonardo DiCaprio gets my gold star! I vow that I will go see every movie that man makes. He's like wine, he gets better with age.


Who's with me?

Because I have been surrounded by children, I have found wonderful sights like USTOY and ORIENTAL TRADING. I just recently got a new catalogue in the mail from Oriental Trading that was all Christmas. Yes, that's right. An all Christmas catalogue in the beginning of November. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am that Christmas is just around the corner. I wanted to buy every single cheesy item. I used every ounce of my will power and only bought what I actually needed for my Christmas presents. I know these things are cheap but really, let's spread the holiday love and spirit. How can you not like the holidays? I am ready to start blaring my Christmas music and have endless amounts of snow. I say...let's start a countdown! Who's with me?


To be or not to be....POLITICAL

I, by no means, am a political person. I never was, but I am learning. Slowly, but surely. I didn't register to vote until this last election. During that election period I became very involved. Watching the debates, reading obsessively online, chatting with my very political, very intelligent friend Molly. We just recently had our midterm elections and I felt like I was very behind. I didn't know any of the candidates. I didn't know the issues. I didn't know what the midterm elections really meant. So I became lazy and said I wasn't going to vote. I wasn't going to do my civil duty, I would rather stay at home and nap. Though I did nap, I also started to feel guilty. Guilty that I was actually putting off the voting. That I wasn't standing up for my future and the future generations. I have to tell you....if you know me, you would know that is this so out of the ordinary for me. And it was the strangest feeling. So at 4pm, on Tuesday November 7th, I got dressed and went to my polling place. I was there, voted, and home within 20 minutes. I can't even begin to describe how much better I felt knowing that I had put my "two cents" in. I am a firm believer in "you can't bitch if you're not voting." I couldn't go against my own words. So I had to vote. So I could have a say. And after the results were in and we all know that now, for the first time in over a decade, the democrats have taken the lead. I was rejoicing with the entire city of Manhattan. I am still rejoicing. Me, thrilled, about a political outcome. I never thought that I would become, or want to become, involved in politics. This will be a huge learning experience for me in many ways. But I look forward to what's to come. I just have to say that I hope a lot of things change, for the better. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I am so excited for the next presidential election. 2008 is going to be a very interesting year....


I feel like I'm going to Disneyland

I can't fall asleep because I am so excited that I get to go to the TODAY SHOW tomorrow A.M. as a guest of the show. We're performing on the TODAY SHOW. OMG! (That's short for oh my god HA!)

Oh the joys of being in the entertainment industry....HAHAHAHAHAHA


Now I know my ABCs

This video, from one of the blogs I read daily, (DOOCE) is one of the very things that confirms why I want children. It just makes my heart melt. She just turned 33 months and has perfected her ABCs quite well. Here is what she sounded like back in March. You, dear reader, have no heart or soul if that just doesn't make you into one mushy pile of goo. :) HAHAHAHAHA.

It's OK, you can watch it more than once. I have. I won't tell if you don't.....