
109 days till...

109 days till Day 6. 109 days till Keifer Sutherland. 109 days till Jack Bauer. 109 days till 24. 109 days till bliss.

Yes, I have a countdown...


Ray Liotta

There is one thing I don't like about Ray Liotta....

His mouth. Enough said.


Hate. Such a strong word.

Why do we hate things? I can truly say I hate only one thing. I despise a lot of things and I loathe them too but to HATE them is a different story. To me hate is such a strong word that I try to not use it in my vocabulary. If I do use it in a serious sense (when I'm not joking around) then I feel ashamed. So I try to use my large vocabulary and use other words like despise and loathe and dislike with a passion. BUT! I can truly say that I hate one thing. Coconut. I hate it hate it hate it HATE IT. I hate the way it smells, I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it tastes, I hate it all. Where I've created this hatred, I have no clue. I have never liked it and I never will. Sometimes I'll lie and say that I'm allergic to it just so that it's not brought near me. I can smell it a mile away and it turns my stomach. It's so odd cause there are things I didn't eat when I was little because I hated it and now, I love it. Asparagus, green beans, calamari.... So where this continuous hatred for Coconut came from, I'll never know.

Things I love: ladybugs, smell of a first rain, laughter to the point of tears, tivo, the sound of a wind chime, peanut butter, strawberries covered in chocolate, music, photographs, the french, horses, the perfect night's sleep, my mom, traveling, the honesty of children, and stationary products. (Just to name a few...)

I still hate coconut.


A day in New York City

I thought it would never happen to me. I was given a counterfeit bill. I took a cab this morning to my eye doctor appointment and asked for 7 dollars back in change. I was handed a five and two one dollar bills. I went to my appointment, which I am trying new contacts WOOHOO! and I'm getting new glasses. Glasses that I bought, well Mom bought, while I was in Paris. But I digress. I headed back home and stopped to get a bite to eat. My total for lunch came to something like $5.47. So, being the OCD person that I am, I handed the cashier $5.47 exactly. She looked at the 5 dollar bill and I saw her kinda squint. Then she pulled out one of those money pens to check if they bill is counterfeit. And she marked the bill. I have never been so shocked and taken aback by a long, thin, black line before. "I'm sorry miss, but this is not good." I didn't react, reached back into my wallet and pulled out another 5. I took the crappy one back and just shoved it into my purse. I wanna look at it and examine it but I'm scared to. I never thought that I would be one to get a counterfeit bill. Oh, the joys of living in New York City. I'm just pissed that I'm out 5 bucks....


Faith or Fear?

This morning I was watching The View. I don't normally watch this show because all the women drove me crazy. Now Rosie O'Donnell has joined the company of women. Meredith and Star are both gone and it's now just down to 4 women. (Thank god!)

This morning, they were talking about 9/11. And how great it was to see the President out in the media and in the faces of the american people. Ok, this was not a general statement. This statement came from Blondie. This then of course gets into a heated political debate. Between Rosie and Blondie. You know, the one from Survivor. One statement that Rosie made really struck me. "This country should be lead by Faith. Not FEAR." And the irritating blonde responded with "The country IS lead by faith!" What are your thoughts about this statement? Do you think we as a people are being lead by faith or fear? I have yet to formulate an opinion about this one. But it has stuck with me all day.


Molls, this is for you....

How many stairs do you climb every day? Living in New York, you climb A LOT. I'm sure there is a statistic out there that will tell you, on average, how many stairs a person living in NY climbs. Just in the subways alone, I should have a rockin' ass. I don't. Let's not talk about the 5 FLIGHTS (yes, 5 FLIGHTS) that I walk up and down on a daily basis. Sometimes multiple times a day. Now, it's not just my weight I'm carrying up those stairs. If you know me, you know that my bag that I carry adds another 20 pounds (at least) to it all. There are days that my legs just can't handle it. And by the time I get to the top, my legs are burning and I'm heaving in air so that I don't pass out, fall backwards down the stairs and then have to climb up them all over again. On the flip side, there are days where I jog up my stairs, sometimes even with my bag that's like an extra body. Ok, let's all take a moment to collect ourselves after that last statement. Shocking, I know. It's super comical when I have to climb my stairs (notice how I never use the word walk when describing stairs) with a suitcase. My mother is notorious for having the tag on her bag that marks it HEAVY. So she will call me, her young, strong daughter, to come down the stairs, pick up her HEAVY suitcase and turn around and carry it up 5 flights of stairs. But I do it. And I do it successfully every time. (Knock on wood) My worst suitcase moment was when I got back from France. My suitcase was almost 70 pounds. AND AND AND I had my backpack as well. That was probably around 15 pounds or so. OK, if I were brave, I would tell you my weight and then I would let you add the additional 85 pounds to that. But I'm not brave so you just have to believe me when I tell you...THAT'S FUCKIN HEAVY! I think it took me 20 minutes to get up my stairs that day. I had to take each step at a time, like I was a baby learning how to walk. It was painful. Hot. And every inch of me throbbed when I was done. I should be in kick ass shape, well at least my legs should be. But they're not, or I don't think they are. The only thing I've gotten out of all this stair climbing is "Oh, my calves are too big. I can't wear those boots anymore. No really, you can have them."