

Feet. I have a thing with my feet. I like my feet protected. I love socks and socks on my feet inside shoes. I am only barefoot in my own home or where I feel at home. I love getting pedicures and I love the way my feet look once the pedicure is done. This is generally the moment you will find me in sandals or somestrappy set of shoes. If I could, I would get consistent pedicures year round. But frankly, they are expensive. The good ones at least. Now don't get me wrong, I like my feet. I think they're actually a good set of feet. So why don't I show them off more? Cause I don't like my feet to feel dirty. I could have had the longest day of my life and if my feet feel dirty at the end of the day, guess what. I am gonna wash them. I think my disgust for dirty feet got worse when I moved to NYC. Because you take one step outside in sandals and you're feet are black. FOUL. Its bad because I cannot crawl into bed if I have dirty feet. I will wash them. And then crawl into bed. OCD , I know. But I still try to shake it up a bit and wear sandals every now and again to prove to people, "Yes, I have 10 toes." So yesterday, I wore my sandals. The sandals that show off my feet nicely. And what do you know, it rained. I was a half a block away from my house and I did it, I stepped into a puddle that engulfed my entire foot. GROSS. I think I stood in that puddle for a good 10 seconds before I pulled my foot out because I was so repulsed by the feeling of my foot immersed in a soggy puddle. The moment I got home, I ran into the bathroom and was washing my feet. I felt so much better after my feet were clean. It was like I was a new person.

Let's just say that today, I wore socks and shoes.


Bianka said...

We are SO related. I won't even let poor John get into bed if his feet are dirty. Gross!

Molly said...

A-freakin'-men, sister! Bare feet are gross, dirty feet are grosser! And in NY it is impossible to keep them clean.

Sorry about the puddle incident. I feel for ya.